Punk Rock and Philosophy (2022) (2024)

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Punk Poetry and the Dissident Ethos. A Discourse Corpus-Based Analysis of British Punk Songs (1976-1981)

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Miguel Alonso Cambrón

Resumo A investigación da que da conta este traballo supón un achegamento preliminar ao aspecto poético e literario do fenómeno social e cultural coñecido como Punk no contexto do Reino Unido entre os anos 1976 e 1981. O obxecto desta investigación foi a caracterización do ethos que subxace á poética Punk en termos de estilo a partir dunha primeira análise dos seus elementos en común, reiteracións e estratexias estilísticas en forma de temas, motivos e símbolos. Para o exame seriado creouse unha mostra en forma de corpus de letras de cancións do contexto espacio-temporal definido. A análise efectuada centrouse nos aspectos literarios e sociolingüísticos e no seu contraste con información etnográfica extraída de diversas fontes, académicas e xornalísticas. A metodoloxía empregada ten a intención de establecer un diálogo entre a análise estilística propia da Lingüística e dos Estudos Literarios, e a análise dos estilos “subculturais” propia de Ciencias Sociais como a Socioloxía ou a Antropoloxía Social e Cultural. Os resultados preséntanse a partir da reflexión sobre os elementos comúns e reiterados do corpus e acompáñanse dunhas conclusións nas que se suxire un posterior achegamento holístico en favor da comprensión global do fenómeno social facendo visibles os procesos de hom*oxeneización e protocolización ao que foi sometido tras a súa hibridación ou apropiación por parte das dinámicas da industria musical. Palabras chave: Punk, Análise estilística, Estudos culturais, Sociolinguistics, Investigación baseada en Corpus Abstract The piece of research reported in this work means a preliminary approach to the poetic and literary aspects of the social phenomenon known as Punk in the context of the United Kingdom between 1976 and 1981. The object of this investigation has been the characterization of the ethos underlying Punk poetics in terms of style through an initial analysis of its common elements, recurrences and stylistic strategies in the form of themes, motifs and symbols. For the serial examination a sample in the form of corpus of song lyrics related to the defined space-time context was created. The implemented analysis has focused in literary and sociolinguistic aspects and in its contrast with ethnographic information extracted from diverse academic and journalistic sources. The employed methodology intends to establish a dialogue between the stylistic analysis of Linguistics and Literary Studies, and the analysis of the "subcultural" styles of Social Sciences such as Sociology or Social and Cultural Anthropology. The results are presented through the reflection on the common and reiterated elements found in the corpus. These are accompanied by some conclusions that suggest a subsequent holistic approach in favour of the global understanding of the social phenomenon, making visible the processes of hom*ogenization and protocolization to which it was subjected after its hybridization or appropriation by the dynamics of the music industry. Keywords: Punk, Stylistics, Cultural Studies, Sociolinguistics, Corpus-based Research

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Embodying "Double Break" in Musical Structure: Punk Rock and the Waning of the Sense of Historical Time

2023 •

Sangheon Lee

The emergence of punk rock and its evolution draw a parallel with the height of “the era of nihilism”, another name for post-modernism, and the beginning of “the era of melancholy” where we live now (Iwauchi Shotaro 2019). While the “nihilist” not only observes and experiences losing higher values, meaning, and meta-narrative, but also annihilates and negates them, the “melancholist”, who cannot even come up with a ‘great’ meaning or goal itself that has already collapsed, takes on a different sense of existence: “It’s not that I want to do something, but neither is it that I don’t want to do anything.” On the other hand, in the late 70’s, Christopher Lasch observed a new individualism of people “living for the moment” and “losing the sense of historical continuity”, due to disillusion with what had been presented in the political and social turmoil of the ‘60s and the economic crisis of the ‘70s, which I call “double break”, i.e., with the past and with the future. The music of the early American punk and hardcore embodies, I believe, such a consciousness that pervaded the whole society into the very short length of musical time with its unique vertical and horizontal structure, which is illustrated in this paper with some examples and their graphic presentations. Finally, if there is a recurring but hidden theme in the musical evolution of punk rock, would it be its allusion to the possibility that one can live beyond traditional, historical, and teleological time?

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The Punk Discourse: From Subculture To Lifestyle

Snežana Mocović

As a visible entity punk was galvanized into being under its own name in New York and London in the middle seventies during the Cold War. On the one hand it is seen as a manifestation of postmodernism, on the other hand it is about an underground youth culture that expressed its revolutionary attitude mainly through music (the punk rock genre) and an outrageous, collage-like clothing style rebelling against conformity, authority, the establishment, class hierarchy and celebrating the collapse of traditional forms of meaning. However, Birmingham scholars argued that culture industries destroyed the authenticity of the subculture without adequately considering either the ideological underpinnings of the subcultures in question (i.e. punk), nor the concept of authentic identity. Hence, this paper attempts to unmask these ideological underpinnings and their authenticity in relation to punk, its signifying practices and intractably subversive features that can also be linked to its predecessor counterculture movements. This will shed new light on punk as a complex historical and cultural phenomenon and on the evolution and refashioning of the " anarchic " discourse. Besides tracing the punk ideology and aesthetics back to the movers and shakers of the art and literary world of the 20 th century (Dada, Situationists, Beat movement, Andy Warhol), I will also consider how the original punk movement, short-lived and nihilistic, marked the beginning of a phase of ideological struggle within popular music itself. Its broad cultural influence started with the postpunk (1979-1984) trying to built an authentic alternative culture with its own independent infrastructure of labels, distribution and records stores and releasing small magazines and fanzines taking on the role of an alternative media. This do-it-yourself concept i.e. punk ethos proliferated like a virus with the global expansion of electronic music nevertheless finding always new ways to remain detached from the dominant culture. In conclusion, the paper discusses that the punk´s appeal doesn´t lie in Hebdige´s semiotic flux but rather the punk´s formal stability with its clear ideological and formal elements. Perhaps only fragmented, these ideological and formal elements of punk resonate unchanged in current alternative lifestyles permeating the music, theory and art either produced or consumed. These discourses form part of the unconstrained self-expression of punk and it´s oppositional point of view in the world.

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Baylen S McCarthy

An analysis on the factors that allowed for the emergence of the punk subculture and music genre

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Punk Rock and Philosophy (2022) (2024)


What is the philosophy of punk rock? ›

The punk ethos is primarily made up of beliefs such as non-conformity, anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporatism, a do-it-yourself ethic, anti-consumerist, anti-corporate greed, direct action, and not "selling out". There is a wide range of punk fashion, including T-shirts, leather jackets, Dr.

What is the main message of punk rock? ›

The message of Punk was thus anti-mainstream, anti-establishment, anti-commercial, and very angry. As did early Hip Hop in the United States, Punk Rock embodied a “Do-It-Yourself” or “DIY” attitude. Many bands were self-produced and self-recorded.

Is punk rock nihilistic? ›

Centering on a belief in the abject lack of meaning and value to life, nihilism was a fixture in some early punk rock and protopunk.

What are 3 characteristics of punk rock? ›

Characteristics of Punk Rock Music

In its most nascent form, punk rock is non-conformist, characterized by short formats, fast tempos, distorted riffs, stripped-down instrumentation, and shouted lyrics. Complicated guitar solos–a statement in traditional rock–turned into plain, basic guitar breaks.

What is the punk mindset? ›

Punk is anti-establishment, anti-status quo, anti-institutional and anti-religious. They believe in anarchy, freedom of the people, destruction of tradition and a basic truth that exists beneath all of these societal constraints.

What is the essence of punk rock? ›

Rooted in 1950s rock and roll and 1960s garage rock, punk bands rejected the corporate nature of mainstream 1970s rock music. They typically produced short, fast-paced songs with hard-edged melodies and singing styles with stripped-down instrumentation.

Is punk rock anti capitalist? ›

A sense of communal experience and collectivism characterizes many scenes, and that's as anti-capitalist as you get. Despite some using their voices to spew hatred and bigotry, the act of giving a voice to those without one is inherently anti-capitalist, as capitalism is all-encompassing.

What is the stereotype of punk rock? ›

Some stereotypes related with punk music and lifestyle are that the person is involved with satanism, they're outlaws, unsophisticated, or that they are depressed and violent. A lot of these stereotypes mainly come from how they dress themselves.

Why was punk rock so rebellious? ›

Punk, as a subculture, was a rebellion against the social conditions of the 1970s through its openly confrontational and aggressive style and aesthetics. The vulgarity of punk clothing and obscene artwork was a purposeful attempt to shock and offend mainstream culture and figures of authority.

What are the beliefs of punk rock? ›

The main ideologies and political contestations of the movement have their origins in this feeling of exclusion: anarchism, individualism, existentialism, anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, or anti-racism.

What are the roots of punk rock? ›

In addition to the inspiration of those "garage bands" of the 1960s, the roots of punk rock draw on the snotty attitude, on-stage and off-stage violence, and aggressive instrumentation of the Who, the Kinks, the Sonics, the early Rolling Stones, and rockers of the late 1950s rockers such as Eddie Cochran and Gene ...

Is punk rock aggressive? ›

punk, aggressive form of rock music that coalesced into an international (though predominantly Anglo-American) movement in 1975–80.

What are the beliefs of the punk rock? ›

The main ideologies and political contestations of the movement have their origins in this feeling of exclusion: anarchism, individualism, existentialism, anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, or anti-racism.

What was the goal of punk? ›

The punk movement began among teens and young adults rebelling against the political and social norms established by previous generations. After the peace and love messaging of bands in the 1960s, punks in the 1970s believed the message of rebellion against norms needed to be sent more combatively.

What is the foundation of punk rock? ›

The Ramones, with their fast-paced and energetic sound, laid the foundation for punk rock's distinctive sound. Meanwhile, in London, bands like The Sex Pistols and The Clash were making waves with their confrontational lyrics and aggressive performances.

What is the philosophy of punk fashion? ›

The roots of punk fashion stem from its political motives to convey non-conformity to social norms. Members of the subculture often turned to a DIY creative process for self-motivated statement-making to establish a parallel between their radically different ways of dress and perspectives.


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.